
今日想法, 或成明日笑柄。 明日笑柄, 却是未来笑忆。

Obama Effect over University Malaya Students

“Where to eat tonight” is no longer a trendy question for University Malaya students.
Contemporary students are asking, “where to shower tonight is rather important than food.”
However, questioning the crisis of water has evolved due to the visitation of US President Barack Obama, “will Obama brings some water for us to shower?”

So today I proudly told mum that President Obama will come to my University, my mum stop a few seconds and replied, “who is Obama?” I was like… okay, fine, nothing. Hence we can see that, how the popularity effect has cause to our heuristic process of mind thinking.

Admiration to the highly media exposure leader is almost similar with admire to the celebrity star, it is just one person favourite in who and what to adore of. We must always question the reason for why we admire on some popularity, maybe their song, dance or talent. So it works the same way, for those who admires and hope to even peep him a seconds, do they know for what reason Obama come to Malaysia? And why he chose to see the so called future leader from South-East Asean?

Obviously the future of a country is decided in so called future leader hands, as if the future leader couldn’t get rid from the admiration to famous idol, when someday these leaders has become the country important decision makers, so it will be the time for Obama to show his influences on these leader. It is how the human heuristic mindset’s work, a higher popularity leader must be good even best! The after effect of admiration will make people losing their conscious and reasoning in making decision, yet we should be careful.

On the other sides, there is another group of students are ready to protest in front of the University Malaya gate when Obama is reaching. Maybe many of us will say, why are these students so free to protest this and that, however for them, they’re those who are really in consent to the future of the country, just refer to Japan, for why, Japan not completely signing the TPPA agreement when Obama just visited to Japan last few days? It was the clearly motive we can see for why Obama visit to few Asean countries, to cooperate with some Asean countries in boasting both country economy.

Thus for those so called future leader, don’t easily get your eyes blinded when the social media are worshiping the goodness of Obama, stay conscious on the words but not his popularity. For those who are still admiring so much and hope to peep president, please think twice of the reason for you to adore, but not just solely fascinated by popularity.

Anyway, one obvious changes has Obama brings to University Malaya was a new path for jogger to jog in UM(which mean the road for cars which not much benefits the student), that’s all.

It slightly proved that the question asked by the attendance was disappointed again with those pre-arranged question or it really think by what so called "future leader" that have been selected. 

please embrace life

What else do I need or leave out to be more confident? I have the compliment from many speakers whenever I joint their program. I got the awards as the confident speaker in one workshop, and compliment as good posting and confident in another program. However why still I feel self-abased afterwards? I received the recognition from one of my lecturer, he even offered me, always welcome to be his tutor after I graduated. But why, what leave out in my life that cause me still couldn’t be more positive and work hard in life?! The feeling of lost is still there wandering, it’s like a lion, waiting for me when I escape from my safety zone, it will tears me and swallow me. What should I improve so that I can face my life confidently? Stop worry for the unknowing future and start living now? What the guide to live life, I found so embarrassed after 22 years, I found nothing about life.Many of lecturers are helping me, offered and suggesting me to some company for internships, lecturers are giving advice, what should I do to finish my thesis, however I still feel no aspiration to do my work well. My everyday life is so blurred and listless. Furthermore, always think of nonsense unachievable things and start wasting time like now. Get up man!! You have many offers and compliment, it shows that you’re not a useless person, but why you just couldn’t live like a person what people has recognized you as?I keep giving excuses, my head was so dizzy, I cannot focus, doctor say my oxy-blood was in trouble that is why I cannot focus.. is it all real? Please, my saying body and minds, please get well soon, I need you all in a good functions, I need to do my work well. 6 weeks to go, stop imagining the nonsense things, something has to give up if necessary, although you’ll regret is better than losing all. Maybe, thinking to be too perfect and now spoil everything, anyway, B+ ! Start over again, it still not ended… 

Can i embrace the vast of the sky?
Can i into the embrace of the sea?
Can i just open my hand and hugs?
Can I ... ... 



1.  解除疑惑,重拾信心

2.  解开心窍,明白圣经

3.  解放福音,传遍天下

复活节的早晨,没有去教堂的复活节,不能停止的默想:路加福音24章。(随手摘写)好不practical的默想… ><
















A failure boy

My situation and feeling was like the MH 370 Tragedy, lost contact since December. I wonder why, what happened until both of us just like stranger. I like to guess, I think is me, too desperate, disturbed you when study week, exam month even after semester break. I just such a bad innocent boy. The time when I read your diary and I know, someone is important than me, and it’s reasonable, who am I to you, just a two months friends, nothing more to compare. You told me your thoughts before you went back to your hometown, I should decide and know, not me anymore. Yet I still encourage you to love the one who love, don’t give up, is not easy to meet a person who both of you like each other. Hehe.. afterwards I’m smilling at myself, “什么时候一个战败的男子需要说些那么伟大的话:好好照顾她。”Since when a defeated man needs to say, all the bless for you with him. I just found that I’m such a naïve kids. Hmm… I think I’m suffering throughout the 3 months, I keep asking, why I just couldn’t be a little bit mature? How if I be more brave before December? There are too many question left to no answer, however one by one it reviewed. Since last month we start being good again, and slowly I get to know more about what actually happening. I know I will regret of keep asking why, but I just cannot withhold with all the puzzle. Finally I know what happened, so? Am I become happier? Do I need to judge is who wrong or right? No! I still chatting with you, I’m wondering are there any possible chances to start over again… i don’t know. You’re still missing him, we know, no one want to become spare tyre, but how if love can overtake all the hurt? You will emo everytime when talking about him, then I have to console you, is okay, maybe everything will turn alright, someday he will come back to you, but do you know how actually I feel, to console and again pretend I’m great to give a bless to you and him. Ya, some people just meant to be together, why not we just suppressed our deep broken feeling and make the people surround us happy. Again I smiling on my naïve thinking, “什么时候一个战败负伤者还需要故作坚强不痛不痒的去安慰曾经放下了自己的女孩。”Since when a defeated boy need to pretend he’s alright to comfort a lady who gave up on him.  ARGH~ Hehe.. we cannot be selfish, we are still friend. Although I still dream for more, but it just left dream. Oh ya, still a boy. 

Come don't emo, listen some positive song ma, no emo song = =